DC Podcast Tours Led By Middle Schoolers

Photo courtesy of
‘Ksenya 06’
courtesy of ‘yospyn’

WOW!  Alexandria’s Sandburg Middle School has developed ten awesome DC podcast tours that offer fabulous insights into our city’s neighborhoods, monuments, museums and local shops/restaurants.  Each podcast is accompanied by a informational guide that includes the closest metro stop, address, entrance fees and relevant website. How useful! The tours and voice overs are all performed by Sandburg students, and can be easily downloaded to your ipod or mp3 player. What a stellar find and what a stellar way for students and DCers to learn about our nation’s capital.

Rebecca Johnson

A born and bred New Yorker, Rebecca made the big trip “down south” to DC in 2006 and hasn’t looked back. She spends her days strategizing/planning/ideating how interactive products can help her clients and change the world. In her free time, she explores DC’s ever expanding bar, restaurant and small business scene, plays a crap ton of soccer, attends concerts that contribute to her sleep deprivation and embarks on local adventures. Read why Rebecca loves DC or follow her on twitter.

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11 thoughts on “DC Podcast Tours Led By Middle Schoolers

  1. I’d like to see a DC-tour podcast themed around this years Butler Bulldogs basketball team. They must have come to DC at some point. Where did they go? Where did they eat? What did they see?

    As an avid Butler fan, this is the kind of hard-hitting podcast that would really get my juices flowing.

  2. Explain to me this puzzle: I own one podcast. I sell that podcast to Schrendan in exchange for his Butler hat. From a purely podcastian point of view, can I then seek royalties if he sells it to Sandburg Middle School? I know it seems like a quasi-Schrendanarian approach, but I’m curious nonetheless.

  3. Please answer J(ǃ¡)oe’s question using a logical positivist paradigm.

    Also, I would never sell my Butler hat, no matter how informative the podcast may be.

  4. The thing I find troubling about Sandburg Middle School and its propagandist podcasts is that they are only compatible with an iPod, not an iPad, or even the much underrated Zune. As a fan of using none of the aforementioned, I would like to say that I find this to be discriminatory, in possible violation of whatever amendments an ACLU attorney would deem worthy enough to take this case. Why can’t they make CDs for my Discman? Why can’t they make 3pm’s for my doPi? I may be overthinking this, but it reminds me of an old joke: What did one palindrome say to the other? Exactly what the first palindrome said, but with the letters humorously reversed, much to everyone’s delight. For example, if the first palindrome said, “These podcasts are blatant propaganda,” the second would say, “Adnagaporp tnatalb era stsacdop eseht.” In other words, he (or she or eh or ehs) would flip not only the sequence of letters, but the order of words as well.

  5. This all makes me think of the last time I was playing a zero-sum game in an online chatroom. In the end, because our choices could neither decrease nor increase the available resources, the game ended as it had began, at zero.

    One can’t help but wonder how it all would be different if I had been playing a Sarkesian-era game theorist, or at the very least, if I had listened to these podcasts first.


  6. It goes without saying that what I’m about to say doesn’t go without saying at all, otherwise I wouldn’t need to say it: I just tuned into one of these podcasts and was dismayed that they are not available in any language other than what I like to call “the language of globalization. AKA English.” It’s a long name for a language, but it can be abbreviated T.L.O.G.AKA.E. Or, to our palindromist, E.AKA.G.O.L.T.

  7. I wouldn’t ask a middle-schooler for marriage advice. I also wouldn’t allow a middle-schooler to perform triple bypass surgery on me or to operate a heavy machinery [ie forklift, crane with a wrecking ball, etc]. I certainly wouldn’t trust them with any sort of classified information [nuclear codes, the noc-list, project Treadstone, etc].

    So why should I allow them to give me “fabulous insights into our city’s neighborhoods, monuments, museums and local shops/restaurants?”

    I’m understandably skeptical about all of this.

  8. I think we’re getting overly stochastic with the Sandburg Middle School and their subliminal-message-lined Codpieces … I mean podcasts.

    I hate deconstructionism almost as much as Mot Imrun, rS. hates post-modernism, but would it be dada-esque of me to point out that the Ms. Jonhson’s post is 100% devoid of meaning when viewed in a Wittgensteining or Kripkeian rubric?

    I know linguistic philosphy is inaccessible and not really useful, so we shouldn’t get too Procrustean when applying its moors to everyday blogs or codpieces, but at the same time, it’s postings like this that make Gottlob Frege roll over in his grave.

    Oh yeah, FYI, Gottlob Frege is dead.

  9. No slow days in Texas, just fast people.

    Except when McGlynn comes to visit ….

  10. All of this seems strikingly similar to a refrigerator magnet that I think needs quoting here:

    Rule 1: Mom is always right
    Rule 2: If Mom is wrong, see rule 1

    Not to speak for Schrendan, Andy, or Don, but I think we can all agree that there is no better way of saying it.