Friday Happy Hour: Mid City Caffe Cappuccino

Do you see that cappuccino in the photo? That is a cappuccino made with love. How, you might ask, do I know it was made with love?

Because I told the kid making it to make it with love.

It helps, of course, that the barista in question is one of my very favorite people/best friends – who just happens to also be the general manager of Mid City Caffe on 14th St. (If you have been following this column, you might recognize him as the cute boy drinking in the background of many of my photos.)

Mid City can get kind of a bad rap as being a quiet “coffice” type place, with patrons clicking away at their laptops all day. I periodically take advantage of the wi-fi there, myself. However, depending on when you go, you are as likely to hear loud music and chatter as typing.

This time of year, I am firmly in my iced coffee place, and rarely order anything else. If I were to vary my routine, the cafe has been promoting a variety of pleasant summer specialities – lemonade with housemade basil-mint syrup and the like. On a recent visit during the late morning of a not-so-hot day, though, I asked my friend to make me a cappuccino because I knew I would be drinking it while standing around the bar conversing (and, as it turned out, being put to use labeling canisters of tea leaves).

Like many cafes in the area, Counter Culture supplies the shop with their Espresso Toscano and the milk comes from Trickling Springs. Here they come together in a frothy cloud of coffee deliciousness.

When he saw me take a photo of the drink, my friend asked “Are you going to blog this?” I admitted that it was possible I would. Then he told me to tell you that he could make a better cappuccino than this if, you know, he had really been trying.

Apparently, love is not motivation enough.

Brittany has tried to leave DC, it just never lasts. She has lived in Chicago, California, and China – but she always comes back home. Brittany is a drinks, nightlife, and style correspondent for We Love DC. Between columns, you can find her on Twitter, Tumblr, or standing by the bar. Email her at brittany(at)

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