Interviews, Opinion, People, The Features

Best of…DC Perspectives

Photo courtesy of Danilo.Lewis|Fotography
courtesy of Danilo.Lewis|Fotography

I’ll admit, I struggled a bit trying to figure out what to write a “Best of…” article around for this week. Sports? Covered. Food? Taken. I had to look deeper than the usual fare: what was it about DC—and about WeLoveDC in particular—that I really enjoyed over the past year? I realized that one of the perks we have is the slew of interview opportunities we’re given for the site. So why not look at some of the more interesting interviews we’ve done over the course of 2011?

Often, I find that through the glimpse of someone else’s eyes and perspectives, we’re given a mirror to gaze into our own lives and see where we are, what we’re missing, and what we can hope to achieve. We wrote quite a few interviews and features on people who live, work, and/or visit the DC area this year and I wanted to take a moment and point out some of the ones that really stand out. I hope you take a moment to dive into these great features and either revisit some old friends, or find your own inspiration to make a better 2012. Continue reading

Interviews, People, Scribblings, The Features

She Loves DC: Rachel Machacek


I met Rachel a while back at a media preview at a local restaurant. At this point, many moons later, I don’t even remember which one, but we became fast friends and I began my raging obsession with this wonderful woman. Rachel writes about restaurants for Washington Flyer, but as we got to know each other, our conversations would always go back to one thing: boys. We’d talk about her love life, she’d give me solid, calm advice on mine, and I quickly learned she was writing a book on her experience dating.

I even got a sneak peek at the manuscript, and so when she finally got a publish date for her book, The Science of Single: One Woman’s Grand Experiment in Modern Dating, Creating Chemistry, and Finding Love, I was thrilled. So now that the release date of her book is TOMORROW, I thought I’d finally share one of my favorite people with you all. Continue reading

Interviews, The Daily Feed

We Need Interviews!

Random TV Interview
Originally uploaded by Mr. T in DC

I love doing interviews for all you WLDC readers. So I’m putting out the call – I’d like to line up some interviews for everyone’s reading pleasure, because you know we all like to be nebby in other people’s lives…

So if you or someone you know fits the following, contact me at cherokeeace [at] juno [dot] com:

  • Newly relocated to the DC Metro area
  • Small business owner with a unique area business
  • Major / minor celebrity (hey, I can dream) who loves the area or has fond memories of a visit
  • Tourist or recent visitor to the area
  • Long-time resident with an interesting story to share

I won’t guarantee that everyone who contacts me will see their ‘story’ up here, but I will guarantee those that do will be interesting and fun.