The Daily Feed

Things looking poor for Graham

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courtesy of ‘Chris Rief aka Spodie Odie’

The Washington City Paper has a piece on Councilman Graham and his employee Ted Loza. In case you’re thawing out of a long sleep: Loza stands accused of accepting bribes and Graham denies any knowledge or involvement.

While no evidence has been offered up that Graham was tied in to any corruption, some of WCP’s findings are not going to do any favors for his credibility. WTOP quotes Graham as stating that Loza had no ethical problems but WCP’s article provides compelling evidence that Graham knew about a number of Loza’s past problems with others, including an incident where he got into a bar fight and threatened the bar owners with liquor license trouble.

The article goes a little off topic when it delves at length into a description of Loza’s problems with the mother of one of his children. While it’s not a description that makes him sound like a real class act, the article does not give any indication that Graham is or is not aware of most of the described situation.

This looks likely to dog Graham for quite some time and may possibly tarnish his credibility for the remainder of his career.