Our Sympathies to New York

Our hearts go out to all the folks marooned by the Transit Strike in New York. It’s 23F in New York this morning and people were shown walking across the Brooklyn Bridge on the way to work this morning. The strike is costing the city of New York $400M per day. Ouch. Take a moment, think about DC with no buses, no metro trains, nothing by seas of cars, angry pedestrians and clogged transit arteries.


Now thank the nearest Bus driver or Train driver today.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

I live and work in the District of Columbia. I write at We Love DC, a blog I helped start, I work at Technolutionary, a company I helped start, and I’m happy doing both. I enjoy watching baseball, cooking, and gardening. I grow a mean pepper, keep a clean scorebook, and wash the dishes when I’m done. Read Why I Love DC.

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