Station Cleaning Train


Here’s something you don’t see everyday on Metro: the station cleaning train, passing through Metro Center. It was just about midnight when I saw it zoom by on the opposite side of the station, near the end of an 18 minute wait for the last Red Line train of the evening. It did not stop, however; clearly there was some station up in the direction of Shady Grove in far more desperate need of Station Cleaning services than the one I was at. Anyone else seen this marvel of modern engineering? Maybe you have a clearer photo of it in action.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

Roving Asian mendicant, can occasionally be seen wandering the streets of downtown Washington, muttering unintelligible gibberish to passers-by while pushing a “bag lady” shopping cart full of old blankets, American flags, soda cans, and healthy secondhand snacks from organic food shop dumpsters. Used to live in a cardboard box at 16th and K but the rent was too expensive.

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