The Daily Feed

Fenty Opens New Dog Park

Dog Park Opening by Max Cook

It’s finally official.  After years of neighborhood arguments, years of planning, and months of construction, the new S street dog park is finally open.  Yesterday, Mayor Adrian Fenty, Councilmember Jack Evans, and several other DC political types gave speeches about how great the new park is going to be, patted themselves on the back, and then made it official by cutting a dog leash, not a ribbon.  Ximena Hartsock, the Director of Parks and Recreation was on hand for the event as was the old Director, Clark Ray, who was axed by Fenty back in April.  It appears that there are no hard feelings between Fenty and Ray as the mayor gave credit to him for turning the dream into a reality.  As Jack Evans said (who brought his dog Kelly to the park), Fenty’s motto is “get it done”.

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