The Daily Feed

Barcodes and “The Trial of A Lifetime”

Who Killed Robert Wone Barcode
Image provided by authors of

It looks like a mystery has sprung up over the last few days around the U St. area. Prince of Petworth noted that posters have suddenly appeared in the area featuring the above image and big bold text that declares, “Trial of A Lifetime, May 10, 2010” – and nothing more. If you’ve never seen this type of barcode (called a QR code in the geek world) – you may be even more confused, and PoP asked his readers for some help figuring it out.

To find the answer, you need to have a phone with a camera and a barcode scanner application – available in the app stores for all types of techie devices. After you scan the code, you’ll be taken to… The authors at the blog have diligently tracked the news, hearings, events and proceedings of one of the District’s most recent homicidal mysteries for some time now. The Trial of a Lifetime to which the posters refer? The trial of three Dupont Circle residents charged in connection with the murder, which starts in just a little more than one month. If you are interested in the topic – or even just a fascinating, real life court drama here in the city – you can’t go wrong by checking out the site.