The Daily Feed

Art and Social Media

Photo courtesy of
‘Hirshhorn After Hours #15’
courtesy of ‘Chris Rief aka Spodie Odie’

In a few weeks the Hirshhorn will be opening “Yves Klein: With the Void, Full Powers”. In anticipation of the exhibit, Yves Klein will be taking over all of the Hirshhorn’s social media outlets.  Quotes by Klein (1928-1962) will be posted daily to Twitter and Facebook with links to accompanying images, video and audio, giving everyone an inside look into the artist’s creative perspective (and hopefully getting them interested in the exhibit).

I think that this is a really interesting and creative way to promote an upcoming exhibit. Way to go Hirshhorn!

The Daily Feed

Pepco twitters… tell them what for

Photo courtesy of
‘Towers of Power at Sunrise’
courtesy of ‘macmoov’

While I mean that in a “give em hell” sense, there’s also an opportunity to tell them exactly how you’d like to see them use this new tool. Their social media lead, Andre, sent us a message which asked us to share this with y’all:

We launched an online survey to start gathering follower feedback giving folks a chance to share ways they’d like to interact with us via Twitter.

Their twitter id is PepcoConnect if you want to follow them and see how they end up using the service.