

Originally uploaded by tbridge.

While everyone is focusing on the cherry trees around the Mall, there’s another great floral sight all throughout the DC area: Azaleas. I saw a few good purple ones in Falls Church this weekend, but over the coming week or two, we’ll see magenta, purple, pink, white and every manner of color in between. I love driving up Military Trail in North Arlington this time of year, as the owners of the houses there put on a floral fireworks show with all their azaleas.

This azalea is my newest one, planted this weekend. Should be peak long about Thursday or so.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

I live and work in the District of Columbia. I write at We Love DC, a blog I helped start, I work at Technolutionary, a company I helped start, and I’m happy doing both. I enjoy watching baseball, cooking, and gardening. I grow a mean pepper, keep a clean scorebook, and wash the dishes when I’m done. Read Why I Love DC.

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