American History Museum to Close on 5 September

Two years of renovations await the Smithsonian Museum of American History, as the museum will undergo serious interior reconstruction and add “artifact walls” that will display some additional collections that the Smithsonian hasn’t been able to show for lack of space. There will be a new atrium built as a centerpiece of the renovated museum featuring a large skylight and a glass staircase. Though we’ll miss the museum, a little renovation is never a bad thing, and we’ll be right there when they reopen in 2008!

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

I live and work in the District of Columbia. I write at We Love DC, a blog I helped start, I work at Technolutionary, a company I helped start, and I’m happy doing both. I enjoy watching baseball, cooking, and gardening. I grow a mean pepper, keep a clean scorebook, and wash the dishes when I’m done. Read Why I Love DC.

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