Life in the Capital, The District

We Love College: 529 Plan Choices

I hope my Ziggy will be tossing a hat in 2023

I hope my Ziggy will be tossing a graduation hat in 2023, student loan free

With a Ziggy on the way, I’m now thinking long term. Like 2023, when Ziggy will be tossing a graduation cap into the air. To get there, I’m wondering which 529 College Savings Plan I should be routing all the baby shower festivities towards. Yes, I’m going to be that guy who asks for college tuition in lieu of diapers or daddy gear.

Looking around at the tri-state area, I’m surprised to see that both Virginia and Maryland have well-regarded plans, and Washington offers a sweet financial incentive to invest with the District. The question is – which should I (or you) choose?

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