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Dude! Where’s My Ginseng?!!

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courtesy of ‘Chloester’

NBCWashington reports that two local area men have been found guilty of harvesting and hunting for wild herb ginseng at Savage River State Forest. Wild ginseng touted for its anti-tumor, anti-viral, antioxidant, and metabolic effects can potentially sell for $300 per pound.

According to the Western Maryland Research & Education Center, Ginseng grows “in hardwood forests in the eastern United States on well-drained, north-and east-facing slopes with rich soils.” Sounds like the DC area is the perfect.

The greatest threat to wild-simulated ginseng is human theft, also known as “hunting sang” in the Appalachian region. Currently, Ginseng is  listed by the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), and harvesting, buying, collecting and selling ginseng requires proper documentation and permits.