courtesy of ‘Jenn Larsen’
There was a sense of unity in the air Sunday afternoon at Duffy’s Irish Pub when Nats fans congregated in the closest thing they have to a baseball sanctuary next to Nats Park. Duffy’s aired the first playoff game in Nats history versus the 2011 World Championship St. Louis Cardinals with the sound on for all patrons to hear, leaving football fans in the backroom where the Packers-Colts game was on.
The sea of red didn’t hurt but what made it memorable was the community of folks gathered for a common purpose: to watch history-in-the-making.

Nats fans celebrate at Duffy’s (via NBC Washington)
One couple celebrated their first wedding anniversary while recounting their numerous baseball memories revolving around the Nats. Long-time fans sported their vintage team gear from years gone by while doing the fan-favorite Shark Chomp when Roger Bernadina eventually came to bat. New fans displayed their Natitude at every moment possible, cheering their hearts out as if there would be no tomorrow. It was a moment to be cherished as Nats fans from all corners of the gamut came together for the common cause of supporting this team.
Clinching the division is a day that Nats fans will never forget but watching the games at Duffy’s is quite honestly a new Nats memory worth creating during this postseason. Why Duffy’s? It helps that the owner Andy Duffy is quite the Nats fan himself. Despite Washington’s reputation as a football town, Duffy’s wasn’t airing the Redskins game live which is quite frankly a welcomed change for people in this town who are hopelessly devoted to baseball as their number one sport.
Call it an endorsement if you feel so inclined, but if you need somewhere to watch the Nats playoff games and crave the company of die-hard baseball fanatics then Duffy’s is the place to be this postseason in Washington.