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Swamp Action

Last night at the Nationals game was probably one of my more uncomfortable moments in Washington. Sitting out in the open in ninety degree heat with seventy percent humidity is not my idea of a good time, but I’m such a baseball nut that I knew I could do it. I got to the stadium early, set up my scoresheet and waited for the game to kick off. The guy in front of me proceeded to taunt the Red Sox fans that went by, which wouldn’t have been such a bad thing if he didn’t proceed to tell a group of young teenagers that they should all die horrible deaths. I swear, Yankees fans really have no business ever coming to baseball games. It just serves to remind the world that trolls really do exist in real life.

The game was a good one, but I think the official scorer for the Nats needs to re-examine his hit/error calls from last night because I can think of at least three people that deserved errors last night, but instead got mercy calls. A first inning blooper ends up a double when a couple of fielders converge and the ball is lost. A late inning ball hit over the charging Preston Wilson’s head (dude! Back the fuck up when the ball is hit your way, you can always readjust!) turns into a stand up triple.

We didn’t stay into the seventh last because it was just so foul. My shirt sticking to my back and sweat running down my calves (damn you corporate dress code! Damn you to HELL!) and no air movement at all in the upper deck allowed us to hear the end of the game from the air conditioned car on the way back across the 14th St. Bridge. This swampy existence of ours is not worth living sometimes, and it definitely makes me wonder “Why the hell didn’t we put our capital someplace with better weather?!”

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Thirsty & Stinky Yet Again


Screw tipsy, now I’m angry. I just went to take a shower, to wash off the smoke of JR’s Show Tune Night (please, dear God, Smoke Free DC) and instead of nice hot water when I turn the faucet, all I get is the sucking sound of empty pipes.

This is the fourth time in a year that I’ve come home to a water-free existence. I don’t know if I should blame WASA or my apartment building for this outage, but I’m feeling like its WASA yet again. Love ya houses with kids, but I could care less about the lead problem. Buy a Brita fools. Its the lack of water outright that ticks me off. I’ve had more reliable service in Third World backwaters like Ulaan Baator and Kampala than this nation’s capital.

Ugh, to bed I go yet again, showerless and grumpy. Thanks for nuttin WASA.

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Metro RAC Board Rules Available

On Friday we mentioned that Metro was starting a Riders’ Advisory Council made up of local patrons of WMATA (Metrobus, Metrorail, etc). They have now published the by-laws revision for public comment. Ideally, the board would be seated this November or so, made up of six members for DC, six from VA and six from MD. There would be 2 members from each jurisdiction that would be metrorail passengers, two more that are bus-riders and two more than use para-transit. More on this at metro’s site. They’re seeking comments on the draft by-laws through August 16th.

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Drama at the BSO

The Baltimore Symphony is having some serious drama this week as it moves toward appointing a new conductor. It appears that the orchestra doesn’t like the favored choice and wants the committee to search for another. The twist? The favored choice is Marin Alsop, who will conduct the London Symphony in Verdi’s La Forza del Destino and Beethoven’s Fifth next friday. Were Alsop to be selected, she’d be the first woman conductor of a major US orchestra, but it’s not entirely clear why players are opposed. No word on whether management will seat Alsop or not at this point, but I can’t see how that could remotely be a good idea…

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The Best DC Lunch Meal Deal

As you head out for lunch this week, thinking you might spurge for a Cosi salad instead of the cold and soggy sandwich you brought from home, take a gander at what the folks over at American Enterprise Institute have on their subsidized, in-house menu. If you intern there you get breakfast and lunch for free! Lobster stuffed veal and muscovy duck breast, wow! the Dark Side does eat well.

Tuesday, July 19
Marinated and Grilled Baby Artichokes with Avocado Soffritto Chicken.

Hot Entree
Pan-Seared Eye of Veal Loin Stuffed with Lobster, Shiitake Mushrooms
and Fresh Herbs served with Risotto Gallelle and Roasted Mustard Seed

Cold Entree
Salad of Columbia River Salmon, with Black Beans, Corn, Onions,
Tomatoes, Roasted Bell Peppers and Shredded Cheese tossed with Cilantro Lime

Wednesday, July 20
Pan-Seared Maine Divers Sea Scallops topped with Asparagus and
Mascarpone Ravioli and Saffron Cucumber Reduction.

Hot Entree
Thai-Style Saut

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Ask and ye shall receive


Originally uploaded by tjbax.

I know, this photo taken at the Elephant & Castle is a little more abstract than the one Wayan took. But since his competitive ass is too busy trying to win his bet with John to post his, here’s mine.

As taken at the Metroblogging DC Happy Hour on Friday night. Wanna party with us? Now you can.

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This morning I sat down at Cosi for a bagel and some strawberry lemonade, hoping desperately to escape the hot dampness that feels like you’ve put on two ponchos made of old army blankets that have steeped in boiling hot water. Sadly, Cosi was not the place to be. With their power just barely back on after last night’s severe storms, and the oven on all night, their AC just couldn’t compete and burned itself out trying. I sat in the hot damp of the cafe, with perspiration beading down both my neck and the side of my lemonade glass. I wondered, how the hell did the founders do it?

It’s not like they could wear shorts and a t-shirt and a ballcap and be taken seriously (not that I ever expect to be taken seriously in such garb, but still) ? I mean, breeches, stockings, waistcoats, it’s a scary thought, having to wear all of that, in wool, around this town.

Seriously, I definitely question the sanity of those lawyers and lobbyists who choose to put on a three piece suit and go outside in this weather. Hell, I question anyone who feels that a silken noose around their neck in this weather is a good idea. Oy. I will now retreat to my air-conditioned lair now.

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Boom! There goes your motherboard

Are you reading this right now, at 9pm on Saturday night, in Washington DC? If so, you better be using a battery-powered laptop because that lightening you hear? Yeah, that. It will fry your electronics in a heartbeat if it hits the transformer near your house. One just blew across the street and I can hear the folks cussing already.

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Happy Birthday Vienna!

Today is Vienna’s first blogiversary celebration, they’re celebrating their first year of existence with an amazing party. Hey, wait, so are we! Wednesday night is getting closer and closer. The t-shirts have arrived (and look smashing!) and the drink specials have been set, and dj lil’ e will be getting her warmup on tonight over at Right Round UP at the Black Cat, so we’re getting into the final details now, kids.

Come on Wednesday, enjoy cake, some fantastic tunes, inexpensive libations, and t-shirts for cheap that will rock you to your very core. Or at least give you an extra little shake.

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Kball All-Star Game and Par-tay

nice balls
Attention Everyone: There is an Independence Division Kickball All Star Game this Saturday at 1pm on the mall. If the weather will not allow us to play we will still be drinking at Porters around 2:15. The cost is $5 which allows you to drink as much beer as you can till our kegs run out. In addition to that there are 2 more All Star Games scheduled with other divisions. One with Federal (still being planned) and one with Potomac. Here is the info for the Potomac All Star Game:

The 1st annual Independence vs. Potomac All Star kickball game will be held Monday July 25th on the mall (at a location to be determined). Each team is asked to submit 2 nominees by COB July 20th. Game time will be 7pm. After the game there will be a party at the Irish Times with the Potomac All Stars (Those who were at the Flip Cup Battle Royal know that these Potomac folks are crazy!).

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Sexay! Errr, wait a second!

Gridskipper is running a World’s Sexiest Cities poll this week, and it appears that DC is up for…World’s Least Sexy City?! People, c’mon. This is ridiculous. Time to go vote for Detroit. Get on it.

I’d really like to know how DC missed the “Most Gay-Friendly City” category. New Orleans? Please.

Go vote Detroit or Munich, folks.

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Give Metro a piece of your mind

With Metro complaints being numerous and well-deserved, WMATA’s board has decided to create a Riders Advisory Council, made up of transit customers. Six members from Virginia, six from Maryland, and six from DC, the council will help advise WMATA. Of course, we’re not sure exactly what they’ll advise WMATA to do…or how the riders will be selected, but apparently that will be up on Metro’s site on Monday.

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Insert gratuitious “got crabs” joke here


Originally uploaded by DCist Rob.

Colleague local blogger Rob Goodspeed caught this sight yesterday on the corner of L and Connecticut. How do I know that? I recognize that storefront- I work right there.

But alas, I spent most of the morning at my company’s other offices and totally missed the blue Baltimore crabs.

Freakin’ job. I miss the BEST STUFF.

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Five Guys In DC: Long Long Long Lines.

When the food court over at the National Press Building re-opened last month, DC got another Five Guys location. Known for their amazing burgers and their crack-cocaine-laced fries, these are some great eats if you’re looking to completely abandon any notion of nutrition or proper diet and pig out.

Of course, that’s it’s appeal, so lots of folks go and get their delectable foods.

I was jonesin’ for something along those lines after a hard week, so over to the “Shops at National Place” for a Five Guys burger and some cajun fries. Up the escalator (working, natch, Metro please take note.) and into the large open space I went, and that’s when I saw the line. 30 people deep, just to order, and another 40 people hanging around waiting for their food. Lines that long hate freedom, people. I took my wallet and ended up with so so chinese food from Cafe 1200.

Oh, but how I did want those fries…

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How do you say chillin’ in Italian?

After a long day at work, and a pleasantly rainy happy hour downtown, we were in search of a dinner spot back on our side of the river. That’s when we remembered that the restaurant that had taken the place of the venerable Toro Tapas was now open. Extra Virgin is certainly an upgrade for Shirlington. With a swank dining room and an extra comfortable lounge and bar, it’s a beautiful place to sit and have a meal.


We arrived late, around 9, and had the place very much to ourselves. See, they’ve only been open about 5 weeks, and the weeknights are still picking up. We got the corner table right in the window, giving us a pleasant view and some wonderful ambience. A glass of JanKris Zinfandel, and some wonderful mozzarella with grilled eggplant and fresh basil that smelled like it had come out of my garden just then. I had the Gargatelli, and Tiff, at the recommendation of our waiter, had the fettucine.

I’ve had some amazing pasta in my day. Sure, I’ve not yet been to Galileo, but I have been to Biba, back west. This was amazing stuff. I was relishing the sauce and the crusty bread when I realized how lucky we were to have such a great place so close to the house. A great spot for a glass of wine and a dish of pasta. This is a great place for a second date, people.

$55 for two, pasta to die for, and ambience not to be missed. Go. You’ll thank me later. They get busy on the weekend, but this might be a perfect weeknight spot.

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Baseball Movies at the National Theatre

We know, we know, we’re late to the game. But would we be a proper DC fan if we didn’t show up late? This year’s Summer Cinema season at the National Theatre is well underway, having started in June with Field of Dreams, and continued on with other famous baseball movies. Coming up Monday is Soul of the Game with Delroy Lindon, Mykelti Williamson and Blair Underwood. On the 25th will be the movie that gave us the famous “There’s no crying in baseball!” and Tom Hanks at his most despicable: A League of Their Own. Followed up by Eight Men Out and Bull Durham, this is a great few weeks of baseball movies on a Monday night. If the Nats are out of town, or if you can’t get tickets, this might be the way to go. Tickets are free, and are distributed to the line outside the theatre half an hour before showtime (6:30pm).

See you at the movies!

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Bastille Day Antics

Today, July 14th, is Bastille Day, and what better way to celebrate than watching waiters race down Pennsylvania Avenue attempting to balance a bottle of water and a glass of beer on a tray held in one hand?

Head on over to Les Halles at 1201 Pennsylvania for the 2pm waiters’ race. There’s also a children’s race at 12:30 and a customers’ race at 1pm, which you can join in for 10 bucks (the $$ goes to charity).

And for this evening, there’s always a scene on at Bistrot du Coin in Dupont Circle for Bastille Day.
People even dance on the bar…

Now there may be some of you grinches who scoff and say, “Why celebrate French independence?”

Well, why don’t you go to Lafayette Square at 16th and Penn (located opposite the White House), and ask the Marquis?

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Borf busted!

sweetWho hasn’t noticed the tagger around town call Borf? The one who spray painted highway signs as well as walls, bins, and pretty much anything he could on a quixotic quest to tell us about Borf? Well yesterday, the police noticed him in action and we now can put a name and face to the graffiti – John Tsombikos , an 18-year-old art student from Great Falls, VA. An 18-year old they will throw the book at as an adult for defacing public or private property.

Now the debate about his painting being art or defacement aside (I happen to like some of his art), what strikes me most about the WashPost article on Borf are the quotes about his folks:

“he… cut cardboard stencils on his parents’ living room floor. He spoke sneeringly of ‘rich people,’ though sometimes when he parked in the city his parents gave him $14 for the garage.”

So not only did they know he was spray painting all over DC, they even gave him money to do so – Borf’s folks helped Borf to deface DC!! In lawyer terms that’s called aiding and abetting, and I say throw the book at Mom & Dad as well as son. He only recently turned 18, so I say the prosecutors should go after them as either parents (under 18) or accomplices (over 18), but either way, they should be out there doing community service right along with their tagging son.

Parents have a responsibility to control their kids, not give ’em $14 and tell them “go mess up DC, not your own suburb”.

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30 Minute Rule Lifted

One of the most frustrating travel experiences of my life came when I flew out of National Airport and I had to pee. Of course, getting up in the first 30 minutes of your flight out of National means getting tackled by air marshals and the flight diverted to someplace like Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I sat in my seat, after we sat on the runway for an hour in a storm, as the plain took off and we reached our cruising altitude, crossing my legs like my life depended on it. Waiting forever like that was frustrating.

Those Days Are Over.

All I can say is…my bladder thanks you.

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