Food and Drink, The Daily Feed

New Java Green

Photo courtesy of
‘java green, washington dc’
courtesy of ‘tvol’

Oh, Java Green, how I adore thee. The earth-friendly, organic-til-the-end shop produces some fine, delicious food that makes me feel good about myself. The botomo sandwich makes me melt, and I could eat that vegan cake all day long, and be fat and happy. But the thing I hate about Java Green? The size. It’s as smooshy as an Orange line during the morning rush hour in there.

So I was thrilled to hear that Java Green is opening Cafe Green in Dupont Circle, 1513 17th street – I’ve not walked by the new local, but I’m hoping it’s giant and can serve all of us hungry for ethically-sound organic eats (sans the norovirus).  I’m ready for more Java Green, aren’t you?

Monumental, The Features

Monumental: Dumbarton Bridge

courtesy of kimberlyfaye

courtesy of kimberlyfaye

Tatonka!  Tatonka!  Tatonka! Tatonka!  This week’s Monumental goes by the aliases of the Buffalo Bridge and the Q Street Bridge, however the correct DC nomenclature is the Dumbarton Bridge.  Constructed between 1914 and 1915, the bridge spans high above Rock Creek Park and connects Georgetown to Dupont Circle.  However, bridging these two DC neighborhoods turned out to be easier said than done. Continue reading

The Daily Feed

Sadly amusing

Photo courtesy of
‘got spellcheck?’
courtesy of ‘philliefan99’

Yesterday’s Washington Post had an article about Hoover’s FBI poking in to former MPAA spokesperson Jack Valenti’s sexuality during the 60s, when Valenti was a White House aide. In an effort to let the freewheeling hippies of today know that, hey, this could have worked out badly for Valenti, WaPo staff writer Joe Stephens opens his fifth paragraph like this:

In the Washington of the early 1960s, allegations or proof of homosexuality could end a career.

Well Joe, some of us might remind you that in the Washington of the early now that is still an issue. Don’t ask, Don’t tell is still the millitary law of the land, Leslie Hagen has only just regained work at the DOJ and an outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told a Senate committee that he thought homosexual activity is immoral and counter to God’s law.

I get what you’re trying to convey here, Joe, and we’ve come a long way in society in the time since, but that phrasing makes it sound like being Out today won’t have an impact on your career. T’ain’t so.

Technology, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

Arlington Turns on the Red Light Cameras

Photo courtesy of
‘Drafthouse at dusk’
courtesy of ‘wfyurasko’

How hard up are counties in Virginia for revenue? Well, ask Arlington, they’re turning the red light cameras back on. Each ticket for running a red light is $50 for the county coffers, and doesn’t bother with pesky moving violations or points on the license. They’ll be video cameras this time, and they’ll start with four on Lee Highway, and one at Glebe & Fairfax.

Food and Drink, Fun & Games, The Daily Feed, The District, WTF?!

Snuggie Pub Crawl

Photo courtesy of
‘Cult snacks!’
courtesy of ‘davitydave’

Do you like dressing up like the Polyphonic Spree to go drinking? Then we’ve totally got the Pub Crawl for you. DC will play host soon to the Snuggie Pub Crawl, where you and the closest 50 of your cultist friends can get plastered while wearing a WTF Blanket. But, in all seriousness, proceeds go to charity, and you can always wear a Slanket instead, just to mess with people.

Adventures, All Politics is Local, Downtown, Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

D.C. Parking Injustice – If It’s Broke… Don’t Fix It

hello parking meter!
Originally uploaded by Nahh

The brew-ha-ha from last weeks parking meter hike around the city, and how it affected various commuters, visitors and others has taken an odd turn after some research and interviewing. In the apparent rush to receive those funds from the increased rate, it seems the D.C. DPW (whose responsibility it is to maintain them) were sloppily quick… either not being uniform in their application, or just wanting to make it interesting for those who choose to park downtown.

The meters originally under contention last week, actually play 3 different rates to parkers. One, the old rate ($1.50 for 8+ hours), two the projected 50% bump ($1.50 to $2.00 for 8 hours), or the crazy $0.25 for seven (7) minutes. I ask you, dear readership, and those who are regular street parking folks, have you come across similar issues? With the meters under three (yes three) different agencies to maintain, enforce and adjudicate, who’s going to be at the other end of that e-mail or phone call to hear you complain about the issue. Several of my parking buddies on two wheels have either moved to new locations (not yet changed), found a garage that will accept them, or stopped coming in via their former mode of transportation. One gentleman is still awaiting an e-mail back from Mayor Fenty’s officeI doubt this makes good policy, let alone much sense to the community.

The Daily Feed, WMATA, WTF?!

I hate pole hogs!

Photo courtesy of
‘Metro Opens Doors’
courtesy of ‘M.V. Jantzen’

My metro ride this morning was the exact opposite of the tranquility pictured above. I was one squishy sardine on the Orange line this morning (hey, at least it works today!) but the worst part of my metro ride was that a man on it was hogging the only accessible pole by leaning his body up against it. That, my friends, is my METRO PET PEEVE (all capital letters). It is rude and inconsiderate to hog an entire pole with your body. Even the crook-of-your-arm-hug annoys the crap out of me, cause I can’t fit my hand where it should comfortably go without hitting your private bits, lady! I used to hate it when people would stand on the left, but we all hate that, it’s an unoriginal Metro pet peeve that can usually be solved by saying “EXCUSE ME THAT IS MY TRAIN!”

My friend Rebecca hates it when people blackberry and walk at the same time. My boss hates it when someone sits on the outside seat blocking the empty window seat, or spreads out on one of the benches on the platform. My roommate hates it when someone stands in front of the door when she’s trying to get off the train instead of stepping out and waiting.

So I need a therapy session – let’s share, cause sharing is caring. And maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about which of your metro habits is annoying someone. What is YOUR metro pet peeve?

All Politics is Local, The Daily Feed

Is Virgina Going Liberal?

You go boy!

You go boy!

For years, I’ve considered crossing the Potomac as the entry into a whole other country, a bastion of conservatism that confused my liberal mind. Now I think its Virginians that are confused. Or at least the gun toting, God-fearing types who must be thinking they’ve awoke in Maryland this morning. Just look at these two lead stories in the WashPost:

What’s next? They allow popsicle beer?

The Daily Feed, WMATA, WTF?!

Orange Line Delays Part II

Photo courtesy of
‘day175 :: year two’
courtesy of ‘erin*carly’

Delays on the Orange line are still kickin’, because we didn’t get enough of it this morning.

WMATA warns “Orange Line riders can expect major delays during afternoon rush hour as trains are single-tracking (taking turns sharing one track) between the East Falls Church and West Falls Church-VT/UVA Metrorail stations due to a piece of equipment that derailed for a second time today.”

Orangies, it might be time to run that errand in the city you’ve been putting off. Or go visit a friend you’ve been meaning to catch up with. Happy hour, anyone?

Special Events, The Mall, We Love Arts

We Love Arts: Pride Before Fall


“A Bird’s-Eye View of Amsterdam” (circa 1652), by Jan Micker, based on a 1538 work, courtesy Amsterdam Historical Museum

Two current exhibits at the National Gallery of Art are at first glance dissimilar. “Pride of Place: Dutch Cityscapes of the Golden Age,” is a tightly restrained showcase of the grand Dutch Republic’s view of its cities and public spaces, using cartographic metaphor to show a mighty macrocosm at its seventeenth century height. “Looking In: Robert Frank’s The Americans takes on our own republic from a microcosmic perspective, capturing in lush yet depressing detail the consumerist chill of 1950’s America.

But seeing both exhibits in the same afternoon gives you the sense of how art can mirror culture – either cleaning up reality, or showing the truth beneath. 

“Pride of Place” could be marched through very quickly, your eye breezily taking in maps and cityscapes in soothing sepia tones. It’s all power and glory and civic cleanliness. But I urge you to resist this temptation to rush, and look closer. Details on these paintings are intensely human, the small smudged faces of the Dutch citizens at work. No attempt is made to sex them up – they are potato-faced plain, staunch and proud in their sensibility and commerce. Their quiet industry is matched with the republic’s burgeoning pride. But every once and a while there’s some guy goofing off in the corner! Continue reading

The Daily Feed

Recreational Leagues in DC?

Dart Board
Originally uploaded by oparrish

I ate dinner last night with a friend who joined a Darts team he found on Craigslist. My friend’s boyfriend joined a ski club he found on Craigslist. It seems like CL is just hopping with activities for people to join. I was curious, so I checked out the DC-area offerings.

We’re home to TONS of active groups – flag football, women’s soccer, Japanese language speakers, softball, dance, movie clubs – you name it we’ve got it! So if you’re in the mood to pick up a new activity to push through the end of the winter doldrums, click your way through to the “activities” section on Craigslist.

That said, any reader suggestions? What’s your favorite recreational league in the DC area?

Essential DC, Life in the Capital, Special Events, The District, The Features

DCist Exposed Opens Friday

Photo courtesy of HeatherMG
DCist Exposed 2009!, courtesy of HeatherMG

It’s that time of year again, photography lovers.  The third annual DCist Exposed Photography Show opens this Friday at the Gallery at Flashpoint.  The juried show “showcases new talent as the artists reveal the city through the eyes of the people who live and work in the DC area.”  If you haven’t been to it in past years, it’s a great chance to view some amazing photographs taken by our superb group of local photographers, many of whom submit their incredible work to our very own WLDC poolContinue reading

News, The Daily Feed, WMATA

Orange Line Pandemonium

Photo courtesy of
‘beam me up, Scotty!’
courtesy of ‘philliefan99’

Thanks to every who tweeted us to let us know that the Metro is a bit of a disaster this morning due to emergency track maintenance between Foggy Bottom and Clarendon, which means both the Orange and Blue lines are single tracking trains through these packed stations. Delays are listed as more than 40 minutes after one of the maintenance vehicles in the tunnel derailed. The incident hit this morning about 4:30am, and Metro’s hard at work at fixing it, but this one’s going to leave a mark.

The Daily Feed

Win A Virginia Vacay

Photo courtesy of
‘Naked Mountain Vineyard’
courtesy of ‘InspirationDC’ is celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the slogan “Virginia is For Lovers”, and as such is sponsoring 40 trips in 40 weeks, a promotion where you can win any number of trips around Virginia. I kind of love this, actually, as all the trips are in my “backyard” so to speak.

They range from a stay at Charlottesville’s Boars Head Inn (complete with a dinner at the Old Mill Room and Presidential Home passes) to a private birdwatching expedition, to whitewater rafting or skiing, to a Roanoke Valley trip complete with lodging , massages, candle-lit dinner, and what else but the orchestra.

I love travel, I especially love vacations, so I’m already signed up! The sweepstakes ends with a drawing of four Grand Prize winners who can choose from four different luxury vacation packages depending on what floats your boat. And honestly, even if I don’t win (tear!) then at least I’ve now got some FABULOUS trip ideas up my sleeve, my home state of Virginia has got a lot to offer!

The Daily Feed, WMATA, WTF?!

Me. ME! MEEEEE!!!!

Photo courtesy of
courtesy of ‘volcanojw’

Ah, Metro, how we love thee.

After listening for months now from Catoe and Co go on and on about how dire Metro’s situation is, how much money they’re short, and how “woe is ME(tro)” – despite a record-breaking Inauguration ridership day and many other top-10 rider days last year AND a fare hike last year, to give Metro more of our money to play with – they do this.

Seems our near-broke and needy transit system is going after the stimulus monies now. Anything to fill that $154M gap, eh boys? (Oh, wait – the list of projects total about $230M. Well, when reaching deep into our pockets, why not go all the way?) On the list is nearly everything WMATA cried about last year, including the track maintenance warnings, replacing old buses and platforms, increasing SmarTrip services and so on.

I’ll give Catoe and Co credit; it’s a ballsy move to take your ‘needs’ list and try to siphon stimulus money for it by couching it in the “let’s help the economy now” phraseology so popular on the airwaves today. Hey, everyone else is doing it, so why not WMATA?

Sports Fix, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

Pin the Name on the Recruit

Photo courtesy of
‘nick was practicing my signature! lol’
courtesy of ‘irina slutsky’

It seems the Nationals are in a bit of trouble with their latest prospects.

Gonzalez’s current agent, Stanley King, said early Wednesday morning he was shocked by the revelations.

“I hope this is a mistake,” King said via telephone. “I was at his house this winter and he answered by his [baseball name]. I will look into this.”

I’m not exactly sure what goes between those brackets that makes any of it look less damning. Looks like that contract’s going to be void, and that the Nats might have to figure out who they really signed…

The Daily Feed

Move along, buddy

Photo courtesy of
‘Cuff links for criminals’
courtesy of ‘Soulrider222’
There are some days when it’s hard to be in favor of home rule.

Like when, following a very distinct Supreme Court smackdown, the city drafts rules that fly in the face of very clear text on the opinion. Like when foolish “all hands on deck” days result in the city putting a dozen men out to watch that hotbed of crime, NW 7th and F St. Like when random automobile stops infringe on people’s right to travel through the city.

Or when council members propose anti-loitering rules allowing for signifigant fines when two or more people are gathered.

Don’t worry, though! It’s only for areas that are known for illegal activity. And there’ll be authority given to the mayor to create rules that protect “assembly protected by the Constitution.” How nice that they’ll toss that in.

If you like spending time in the Supreme Court chambers so badly they offer tours.

UPDATE: Fixed the link. Thanks, Jonathan!